Friday 2 August 2024 Gaia Landoni and Valeria Pala founded Our Dance Studio S.S.D. to RL.
Gaia and Valeria’s project is very ambitious: create a place of education and training where each student is followed and accompanied in the study of dance respecting their potential and characteristics to be able to achieve the best possible result without losing the fundamental value of the human and the specificities of the single person.
“Our Dance Studio is a name that was thought a lot, it tells OUR story, that of two students who met as little more than children while attending the same dance school, who shared the same great dream of making it a profession, which they built themselves, their lives and their friendship with dance and in dance. And it tells OUR way of living and teaching dance: our dance indeed!”
Gaia and Valeria danced together as professionals, also sharing the choreographic creation, and, as teachers, they were colleagues in the same dance schools.
The common studies and work build “at dance steps” a solid and deep friendship, familiar: it today unites them in their personal and professional lives.
“In July we said to ourselves: it’s the right time, now or never! Looking back at how our life has been now, we realized that nothing would been so extraordinary without dance: opportunities, in some cases real adventures that we could never have imagined having and living without dance. And the people, how many students, how many families… deep ties of affection, they were the greatest gift that dance has given us. We said ONLY WITH YOU I CAN THINK OF OPENING A SCHOOL, we gave courage from each other and here we are! The right time and the right person: once again dance has given us something of extraordinary!”
Our Dance Studio is a common project: teaching dance by creating a welcoming and liet place, where diligence and passion become fertile ground for the birth of important, meaningful and enduring relationships such as Gaia and Valeria’s friendship.