Co- Founder Our Dance Studio S.S.D. at RL Director and Modern Dance Teacher

- Attendance Certificate Modern Dance Academy (basic/medium e high level)
- Attendance Certificate Cruisin’ Hip Hop School (I°/II°/III° livello)
- Seminar Freestyle Technical Wheelchair Dance (teach. Marilena Goria)
- Seminar of Theatrical Lighting applied to Live Show (teach. Salvatore Manganaro, art. dir. Aldo Masella)
- Musical Theory Seminar for dance with Maestro Sandro Cuccuini and Maestro Loris Tromboni
Studies also with: Roberto Fascilla, Walter Venditti, Gabriella Valenti, Lucia Alves, Gillian Bruce, Virgilio Pitzalis, Raffaele Paganini, James Urbain, Steve La Chance, Piera Principe, Saverio Ariemma, Angelo Lomonaco, Anna Rita Larghi, Andy Lemond, Anna Marie Porras, Dick O’Swanborn, Michele Abbondanza, Michele abbondanza e Antonella Bertoni, Bob Curtis, Cristina Perera, Paolo Aloise, Malika, Dante Harper, Silvio Oddi, Daniel Tinazzi, Mauro Astolfi.
Professional dancer (“FelixCompany”, “RareTracce”, live shows e tv network), start to teach under
The artistic sirection of Maestro Robert North and Maestro Roberto Fascilla.
From 2001 to 2024 teacher of ballet, modern dance and Director of Scuola di Danza Principessa S.r.l.
From 2008 to 2018 assistant of Maestro Roberto Fascilla.
Guest teacher for: Scuola di Danza of Elisabetta Bileci (Brescia),
Studio Danza (Città di Castello, Dir. Art. R. Giubilei), Sugar’s Feet (Orbassano, Dir. Art K.
Tromboni), Hangart (Pesaro – Dir. Antonio Cioffi), Fedon Yoannau (Perugia Dir. Art.T. Basciani ),
Coreutica (Todi), Scuola di Ballo del Teatro Sociale di Mantova (Dir. Art. Marina Genovesi), Dance
Fit (Arzachena – Dir. Art. Selvaggia Ermacora).
Guest teacher in varoius stage and dance events, like: Summer School MDA, Danza
in Calabria, Danza Smeralda, Marche Danza, Orme A Seguire.
Teacher and Examiner in Modern dance Academy training courses.
Artistic Sirector and teacher ( propedeutic dance and modern dance) in teacher training courses of
Juror for ExpoDanza (ed. 2023 – Dir. Art. C. Venosa).
Juror for Maisha Dance – An Afro European Art Experiment.
Choreographer for important institutions in the entertainment and television realities and fashion , such as the Austrian Society (Debutante Ball), La7 (“The Barbarian Invasions”), Mediaset networks (La5, Canale 5 “Bella più di Prima”), Rhinos Milano (choreography for the cheerleading team of the First Team), Occhiali Moda Sole (art. dir. Giuliana Benatti Targioni),Milano Fashion Week for Les Twins (Italian hot couture brand).
- “MAB Prize – Maria Antonietta Berlusconi International Ballet Award “, also with teaching interventions at training courses called “Artistic Residences” (org. Gisella Zilembo EventiDanza).
- D’Anzikè, “ConcorsoDanzainCalabria”, Calopezzati (CS)
- “Mediterranea” – Teatrului Naţional I.L. Caragiale, Bucharest – for the Italian Embassy in Bucharest – (dir. and org. Gisella Zilembo EventiDanza)
- “TAR Transcendence” – Palazzo Serbelloni, Milan – book’s guest curator and lead artist David Linch – “Nue Dance Company”.
- “The Golden Leaf-Watersong Episode” – CPR / Center of Performing Research – New York – “Nue Dance Company”. – artistic director Luca Lisci.
- “Que Sal Mah Event” – GlassHouse – Litan Dotal artistic director – – “Nue Dance Company” – New York.
- “Tiempo de Tango” – Teatro Arcimboldi, Milan – Artistic Director Miguel Anguel Zotto.
- “Room 7” – Teatro Elfo Puccini, Milan – – “Nue Dance Company” – Artistic Director Luca Lisci.
- “Billy Elliot – Musical” season 2017– Teatro di Varese and Brescia Sports Hall.